
The bumper sticker had only one word on it: “Loving-kindness.” And as soon as I read it, I suspected Someone was trying to mess with my mind, for I was in no mood for such a one word aphorism as “loving-kindness,” my patience having been tested by the distracted waitress who forgot to turn in …

Daddy’s gone

“You always miss your daddy when he’s gone. My daddy’s been gone 25 years now, and I miss him every day.” That’s my 91-year-old dad consoling my wife, Lori, just the other day when we were visiting him in Lubbock, TX. Her dad died recently, and the pain left by his demise is still raw. …

What’s your excuse?

George Washington Carver, the botanist and inventor—who as a black man in the Reconstruction era of nineteenth century America had reason upon reason for not succeeding—once observed, “Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” Carver made a conscious decision not to allow his disadvantages keep him from making …