Occupy in a Culture of Discontent

“Cause it’s a bittersweet symphony, this life Trying to make ends meet You’re a slave to money then you die” —The Verve, “Bittersweet Symphony” The first time I saw one of the many people in the “Occupy Wall Street” movement holding a sign that said, “We are the 99%,” I thought, “That has to include …

Lost in a GOP Gameday Nightmare

While awaiting the Republican presidential candidates’ debate, I fell asleep, sitting there on my couch. I awoke with a jolt, glanced at my watch, and realized the debates had already started. Hurriedly turning the channel to CNN, I anticipated the debate, this one broadcast live from Las Vegas. Instead I got College Game Day. I …

Your Cheatin’ Heart Will Tell on You

So begins the first line of Hank Williams Sr.’s classic hit, “Your Cheatin’ Heart.” And if your own cheatin’ heart won’t tell on you, someone else’s cheatin’ heart will. Or someone will connect the dots that place your cheatin’ heart in the crosshairs. It’s almost certain. Almost. It’s that lure of the “almost,” the bet …

Till Alzheimer’s Do Us Part?

When I first heard Reverend Pat Robertson’s comment, I thought of Ronald Reagan’s response to incumbent President Jimmy Carter during the 1980 presidential debate, “There you go again.” “There you go again, Pat,” I thought. But Robertson wasn’t in a debate, he was responding to a caller on his television program, “The 700 Club.” This …