Your Cheatin’ Heart Will Tell on You

So begins the first line of Hank Williams Sr.’s classic hit, “Your Cheatin’ Heart.” And if your own cheatin’ heart won’t tell on you, someone else’s cheatin’ heart will. Or someone will connect the dots that place your cheatin’ heart in the crosshairs. It’s almost certain. Almost. It’s that lure of the “almost,” the bet …

Till Alzheimer’s Do Us Part?

When I first heard Reverend Pat Robertson’s comment, I thought of Ronald Reagan’s response to incumbent President Jimmy Carter during the 1980 presidential debate, “There you go again.” “There you go again, Pat,” I thought. But Robertson wasn’t in a debate, he was responding to a caller on his television program, “The 700 Club.” This …

Be Careful with those words, they could be your last

“And isn’t it ironic…don’t you think?” —Alanis Morissette, from the song, “Ironic” In a month of bad news—Standard and Poors lowered the U.S.’ sterling credit rating, 30 US service members (including 22 Navy SEALS) were killed in the single deadliest loss for U.S. troops since the Afghan war began in late 2001, in Somalia 3.2 …

Hero Status of Illgeal Immigrants Raises Questions

“And isn’t it ironic…don’t you think?” —Alanis Morissette, from the song, “Ironic” In a month of bad news—Standard and Poors lowered the U.S.’ sterling credit rating, 30 US service members (including 22 Navy SEALS) were killed in the single deadliest loss for U.S. troops since the Afghan war began in late 2001, in Somalia 3.2 …

In search of Grandma’s misplaced soul

The words surprised me, especially since they came from Grandma. “She says she can’t find her soul, and she’s ready for God to take her home,” my mother-in-law told me on the phone, her voice cracking as she spoke through her tears, trying her best to quote Grandma. By “home” Grandma meant heaven. That made …