Looking Back, Looking Forward
God wants you to have a year where you grow closer to Him, go deeper with Him. If you do that, it can be a breakout year for you. Here are a couple of exercises that can help. You can download the podcast here!
God wants you to have a year where you grow closer to Him, go deeper with Him. If you do that, it can be a breakout year for you. Here are a couple of exercises that can help. You can download the podcast here!
The presents have been opened, the wrapping paper has been thrown away, and the house is a bit of a mess. You’ve sorted through what fits and what doesn’t; you’ve winced at the words, “assembly required;” and you’ve winked at that book you plan to read, maybe in March or April of the new year. …
Who would want to keep all the torn-up wrappings and empty boxes left over from the presents you opened last Christmas? For families with several children, keeping all that paper and the boxes would occupy a considerable amount of space in the house. People don’t normally keep all that stuff; they trash or recycle it. …
Read more “Getting Rid of the Old Wrapping Paper this Christmas”
It’s still not too late to get that Christmas gift. But time is of the essence. Before you make that order online or rush to mall, here’s a word of caution. You can download the podcast here!