Like a good neighbaaa

Even though the words are the same, Arnold Schwarzenegger has changed the jingle for me. I’m sorry, but I can’t help but hear “Like a good neighbaaa” instead of “neighbor,” even though the commercial’s “director” or even Danny DeVito repeatedly corrects Arnold. Now, whenever the  chorus in the commercial sings, “Like a good…” I hear Arnold’s …

No More Tears

Looking behind me, I realized I had not completely tightened my Stanley tumbler when  I walked upstairs to my study. As I followed the water spots, drying them with a paper towel, Lori asked what had happened. “It looks like I left a veritable ‘trail of tears,’” I joked. The actual Trail of Tears was no …

It Ain’t Over Till It’s All Over

We were whooping and hollering for our favorite college football team, the Oklahoma Sooners. Our family was together for the weekend. Only one of our six grandchildren, eleven-year-old Eli, was old enough to enjoy the game with the adults.  We had complained throughout the game about our team’s poor offensive performance. It was the fourth …

Love Was There

One of the benefits of journaling is being able to see, through the words we have written, sometimes long, long ago, where we have been, how we’ve progressed—perhaps where we’ve strayed or even gotten lost along the way, and most of all: the realization that what we once saw as a detour was, in fact, …

Let Me Do That

As powerful and daunting a historical figure as the Apostle Paul was, he didn’t go it alone.  As a young Christian with only a casual acquaintance with the New Testament, I had mistakenly assumed that The Great Apostle powered solo from church to church, epistle to epistle, controversy to controversy. Yes, the Spirit fueled him …