Surprise Visits

Whether a surprise visit is good or bad depends on the kind of people who show up at your doorstep, I’m convinced.  Sometimes it’s not good, like when Ernest T. Bass, the comical but annoying mountain ruffian, shows up to disrupt the sleepy town of Mayberry, once again. Andy warily acknowledges Ernest T.’s arrival, and …

The Car Wash

I thought I saw an opening at the car wash on my way home. I’d been eyeing the lines for several days, waiting for the onslaught of clean car devotees to subside. I’m far from an automobile neat-freak, but the recent snows, ice, and rain had left its nasty residue on my once white vehicle.  …

I Love This Day

We may come close to approximating our ideal or perfect day, but rarely if ever, do we get to live it. Even if we could have it, we would inevitably try and repeat it. And if realized, it would become a routine, ordinary day, spiraling into plain vanilla. Then, we would fantasize about a different …