The Smile Is Up

Some days life comes at us like a hardball, fast and furious; other times, it’s a slow burn, wearing us down, minute upon tedious minute. In either case, facing the day with a smile can be a challenge, maybe even impossible, we think. I don’t know what Garth goes through before he comes to work …

Feeling the Fog

Almost everyone has had the desire to strike off into the wilderness. But we’re a conflicted bunch, aren’t we? We want the thrill of the venture with a safe path back to the campsite. Unfortunately, the way back is not always clear. We’re like the hopelessly lost hiker, “Let’s see, is that pine cone the …

My Morning Dogs

When it comes morning greetings, I can identify with something the late Christopher Hichens said: “How ya doin’?’ I always think, What kind of a question is that?, and I always reply, ‘A bit early to tell.”  I asked my wife that question one morning recently, “Just getting awake,” she answered, and I immediately wondered …