The Question

We want to know that in the end, there is something beyond the end. We desire some assurance that when that Abyss finally creeps to our doorstep, we will somehow be able to step over it into the beyond, into an Everlasting that’s kind and good to us.  A dear lady in my church spoke …


Engaging in elaborate schemes to hide secrets can quickly evolve into a full-time occupation. Cover-ups can be exhausting. Some are on a grand scale, secrets that, when exposed, affect thousands, as in the Watergate variety, (“Watergate had become the center of the media’s universe,” pined Richard Nixon, when it was all over.)  Or, hidden maneuvers …

Ghost Mists

“The Lao think the foggy mists are ghosts, and I do, too.” —Anne Lamott, Stiches, A Handbook on Meaning, Hope, and Repair  What is it?” Lori asked me. It was early when we stepped out on the front porch.  I’d never seen anything quite like it. Usually, we sit on the back porch in warm …


I’ve hesitated about writing, but you might as well know how I feel about you since you left me months ago. I was grateful to be over you and was hoping never to see the likes of you again, but they tell me you and all your cousins, variants they call them, will be a …