Advent in a Covid year?
Instead of putting Advent on hold this year, we need it as much or more than ever. Christ has come; He is here; He is coming again. How can we prepare for Him this Covid Christmas? Download podcast here!
Instead of putting Advent on hold this year, we need it as much or more than ever. Christ has come; He is here; He is coming again. How can we prepare for Him this Covid Christmas? Download podcast here!
Now that the elections are over, we might ask, “Where do we go from here?” We go forward by living the life God meant us to live. We find who are supposed to be and what we are to do by looking at the chief virtue that characterized the earliest Christians. Download the podcast here!
This Saturday happens to be two special days, one is a secular holiday and the other, a religious one. One is more familiar to most people. So, what’s the difference, and how did they end up occurring on the same day? Download the podcast here!